- Thou shalt not open your mouth, and maintain strict confidentiality through closing.
- Thou shalt honor thy financial records and maintain their integrity.
- Thou shalt sell, repair, or pitch old, unused, or broken equipment prior to first tour.
- Thou shalt sell, give away, or pitch obsolete inventory.
- Thou shalt not covet unrealistic pricing multiples that your Uncle Harry heard your business is worth and price the business realistically for buyer cash flow and financing.
- Thou shalt not take the name of your broker in vain. Be transparent with your broker and include broker in all communications (No surprises please)
- Thou shalt not take thy foot off the gas and work hard to maintain sales and profit performance while business is for sale.
- Remember to have fun with the sales process, and prepare for busy and stressful moments.
- Thou shalt not take low offers personally.
- Thou shalt keep your eye on the prize and keep the big picture in mind.