Transworld Blog

From business brokerage to mergers and acquisitions; we are the business sale specialists.

Scott Hislop

Scott Hislop

CEO & Owner at Transworld Business Advisors | Business Brokers Helping Entrepreneurs Achieve Their Dreams and Goals Through the Complex Process of Buying or Selling a Business

Recent Posts:

How Failure Can Clear The Way For Success

Transworld Business Advisors Reaches a Significant Milestone

Transworld Business Advisors is marking its 40th anniversary with another huge milestone – welcoming its 200th franchisee, making it the largest franchise broker system in the world. As the world's leading Business Brokerage and Franchise Development Company, Transworld spans over more than 235 territories throughout 16 countries.

5 Things To Consider Before Expanding Your Footprint

Business tips We recently spoke with George Boyadjis, CPA, FHFMA, VP Corporate Solutions at Cresa Real Estate for this week's business tips. He shared 5 things businesses should consider before expanding their footprint or moving to new space.

What is EOS & is It Right For My Business?

BUSINESS OWNERS ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT EOS I learned today that Minnesota is a hotbed for EOS (Entrepreneurial Operation System). Over 2000 Minnesota businesses have implemented EOS and that demand has caused a jump in the number of EOS certified implementer coaches in Minnesota to over 60. Businesses who have implemented it the right way (using an outside certified implementer) are very passionate about it and the results EOS has brought to their culture, vision, growth and bottom line.

Where is the real security in a steady paycheck?

Starting or purchasing a business is generally viewed as a much riskier proposition than working the steady 9:00 to 5:00 job, with business owners’ savings and equity on the line, fickle customers and market place, loan covenants, tight employee markets, and regulations. However, closer examination of the risks associated with traditional employees may level the risk perceptions of the two career paths.

Early Questions and Planning Increases Chances of Success

When contemplating your retirement and the sale of your business, there are a myriad of questions to consider, that most business owners haven’t had to deal with before. The unknowns of the sale process itself, the business valuation, tax planning, legal documents, etc. can be daunting. The list of questions can be pretty intimidating. With the shear volume of new things to consider, often some fundamental questions never get asked that are pretty important. It is less stressful to consider these questions early in the process rather than while you’re reading through your first offer. Also, planning for these unanswered questions at the front end increases the chances of a successful sale. Examples of some of these questions are:

Why Don't Businesses Sell?

A large percentage of businesses listed for sale never do. Following are the “Dirty Dozen” reasons why businesses fail to sell.

An Inside Look: Business Ownership and Vendor/Supplier Relationships

It's often been said that good relationships are key to a business’s success. All too often, owners focus their attention solely on relationships with their customers and their employees, neglecting to nurture their relationships with key vendors and suppliers.

Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, and Taxes: A Quick Overview

If you're in the process of buying a business, there's a whole lot of information to take in and digest. If you're not familiar with accounting terms and documents, it can be overwhelming, leaving you wondering just where to begin.

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