Transworld Minnesota & Iowa Blog

How to Handle Radio Silence

Written by Barry Mingo | Dec 28, 2018 5:21:04 PM

Gaps and delays in communication from interested buyers, previously highly engaged, are usually disconcerting for sellers.  Many negotiations go through a period of slow or no communication.  We usually perceive these silent periods to be an ominous preview of the coming attraction of “not interested”, but sometimes, it just takes a buyer or the buyer’s team time to reach a decision. 

Often, the sale of the business is a true life changing moment for the seller, and the fruition of decades of work, while for a large strategic buyer, its just Wednesday. Conversely, for reasons unknown to the buyer, a previous “not interested” response by a corporate buyer can suddenly turn to rapid yes after a prolonged silent period when something has changed in their company, or they need to meet a fiscal year strategy.   Knowing when to push for a response and when to wait is part of the art of negotiation.  Our business advisors can help read the tea leaves to determine a path.  While we can never know with certainty, being in the market place every day helps reduce the emotion to make better negotiating decisions.