Transworld Blog

From business brokerage to mergers and acquisitions; we are the business sale specialists.

We've Been Successful...Now What Do We Do?

Counter-intuitively, entrepreneurs that have achieved significant success are often the most anxious. Huh?

Working Capital Considerations in Selling Your Business

While the definition of working capital is simple to define and monitor over time (current assets minus current liabilities), there are several considerations for business sales. Your Advisors’ experience and preparation can smooth potentially contentious closing disputes.

Where is the real security in a steady paycheck?

Starting or purchasing a business is generally viewed as a much riskier proposition than working the steady 9:00 to 5:00 job, with business owners’ savings and equity on the line, fickle customers and market place, loan covenants, tight employee markets, and regulations. However, closer examination of the risks associated with traditional employees may level the risk perceptions of the two career paths.

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy — Rather Than Start — a Business

From a recognized brand to a proven trading history, find out why an established enterprise is a safer, less stressful route to an entrepreneur. Is it better to start your own business or buy an existing one? The smart solution is arguably to purchase a proven enterprise and make it your own over time. Here are 10 reasons why doing so it's generally less risky, less stressful and more likely to generate a higher income, more quickly.

How to Handle Radio Silence

Gaps and delays in communication from interested buyers, previously highly engaged, are usually disconcerting for sellers. Many negotiations go through a period of slow or no communication. We usually perceive these silent periods to be an ominous preview of the coming attraction of “not interested”, but sometimes, it just takes a buyer or the buyer’s team time to reach a decision.

Business Value Drivers

Ollie Newbold, head of corporate finance at Randall & Payne offers the following list of value drivers for Mergers and Acquisitions that are appropriate for businesses of all sizes.

Early Questions and Planning Increases Chances of Success

When contemplating your retirement and the sale of your business, there are a myriad of questions to consider, that most business owners haven’t had to deal with before. The unknowns of the sale process itself, the business valuation, tax planning, legal documents, etc. can be daunting. The list of questions can be pretty intimidating. With the shear volume of new things to consider, often some fundamental questions never get asked that are pretty important. It is less stressful to consider these questions early in the process rather than while you’re reading through your first offer. Also, planning for these unanswered questions at the front end increases the chances of a successful sale. Examples of some of these questions are:

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