Transworld Blog

From business brokerage to mergers and acquisitions; we are the business sale specialists.

Separating Fact from Fiction about Profitable Business Types

When the average individual thinks about business profitability, sales are often viewed as the singular indicator of a company's profit margins and wealth. For example, mobile phone manufacturers are viewed as immensely profitable businesses simply because of the retail price of new smartphones and tablets. However, if you separate the fact from fiction you'll realize which business types are actually the most profitable.

TransWorld of Minnesota: We are Advisors; Not Just Brokers

No matter if you are looking to buy or sell a business or look into franchising, you need someone – or several people – to lean on and look to as a resource. There are plenty of options when it comes to investment or business advisors, consultants, brokers, or other professionals who can help. How do you know who or what service you need when you’re ready to buy or sell a business? Know the difference between specialties and who serves who best.

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