Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Retail
  • Price:                                   $212,000
  • Gross Revenue:              $874,755 (3 yr Avg)
  • SDE:                                   $84,914
  • Seller Financing:          $21,200
  • Location:                          Twin Cities Surrounding Area         
  • Support & Training:    4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:       Relocating
  • Non Compete:                60 miles for 3 yrs

Business Description

Discover a gem just outside the vibrant Twin Cities Metro area! This large retail store is the go-to destination for fashion-forward women seeking curated collections of apparel, jewelry, home decor, and unique gifts. With a keen eye for trends and a commitment to quality, this store has built a loyal customer base and a reputation for excellence in style and service.

Growth Opportunities

As the retail landscape evolves, seize the opportunity to expand the continually growing online presence that this business adopted, a rapidly growing online marketplace. With a strong brand presence and a carefully cultivated aesthetic, e-commerce offers limitless potential for reaching new customers beyond geographical constraints. Capitalize on the convenience of online shopping while maintaining the personalized touch that sets this boutique apart.


  • Great location just outside the Twin Cities Metro, offering a perfect blend of accessibility and exclusivity.
  • Established reputation for offering the latest in women's fashion, jewelry, home decor, and gifts.
  • Loyal customer base and strong ties fostered through exceptional service and curated offerings.
  • Opportunity for exponential growth through continued expansion of the online retail market.
  • Turnkey operation with proven success and potential for further development under new ownership.
  • The fantastic piece of Real Estate utilized by the business is also available for purchase.


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