Listing Details:

  • Business Category:  Catering
  • Price:                            $262,000 (does not include real estate; real estate                                            is available)
  • Gross Revenue:           $295,818
  • SDE:                              $103,427
  • Seller Financing:          $26,200
  • FF&E:                            $80,250
  • Location:                       Central Iowa                      
  • Support & Training:     4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Relocating
  • Year Owned:                 10+ years

Business Description:

Summary: This business offers catering for corporate, wedding, and other events.

This is a great chance to be your own boss and the master of your own schedule. This profitable and long-established catering business enjoys great name recognition, repeat customers, and has multiple opportunities for growth. Bookings for catering events are typically a year out and based on the scheduled availability set by the owner.  This is one of the areas ‘go-to’ caterers for weddings, corporate lunches, and other events.

Ideal Buyer: If you are looking to become your own boss, don’t miss out on this established business. If you own a catering business and are looking for strategic growth through acquisition, this is a great opportunity.


Competitive Overview:

Years of catering experience and attention to detail sets this business apart from the competition. Consistently delicious recipes and food prevent unwanted surprises for customers. The fully booked catering pipeline is testimony to their reputation and has been achieved with minimal advertising budget.


Growth Potential:

Incredible growth in upscale residential developments within the service area ensures ongoing growth potential.



Real Estate is not included in the list price; however, it is available if interested.


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