Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Liquor Related Biz
  • Price:                                     $375,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $312,015
  • SDE:                             -$111,853
  • Seller Financing:         For the right buyer
  • Location:                      Central Iowa
  • FF&E:                           $300,000
  • Support & Training:    8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Retirement
  • Non Compete:             50 miles for 2 years
  • Years Owned:                   14


Business Description

Invest in a craft brewery that cultivates community and creativity. With a loyal customer base and a reputation for exceptional brews, this establishment offers a lucrative opportunity for growth and expansion. Join the craft beer movement and own a business that brings people together over quality drinks and memorable experiences.

  • Best Patio in the city
  • Historical space for hosting events
  • 5 Rating on Yelp and Zaget


Growth Potential

  • Increased distribution to expand brand awareness.
  • Capacity for production is around 1,200 barrels annually, currently operating around 300.



  • 7,473 sq/ft
  • Massive Patio

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