Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Manufacturing
  • Price:                              $150,000 + licensing fee on future sales
  • Gross Revenue:            $0 (Pre-revenue)
  • SDE:                               $0 (Pre-revenue)
  • Seller Financing:           $115,000
  • Location:                        Remote
  • Employees:                    0
  • FF&E:                             $5,498
  • Support & training:       6 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:       Business needs owner that can grow and                                                  develop brand         
  • Non Compete:               1,000 Miles for 10 Years    
  • Years Owned:                  2

Business Description

The prep work has been done with this unique bakeware dinner pan design! This is a pre-revenue product that has been two years in the making and is now ready for someone to take it and run with a strategic marketing strategy and growth plan. The inventor is a mom that had a need for one pan with multiple sections.  She couldn’t find anything on the market, so she hired an engineer to help design the right product and then had a trial production run completed for proof-of-concept.  She would love to sell the business to someone that can position it correctly with the right marketing and sales plan.

Items included in list price: U.S. Design Patent (Issued); International Patent Pending; remaining inventory from proof-of-concept manufacturing run; website; engineering spec sheets; option to ship existing mold to location of desired manufacturing facility.

The ideal buyer will have experience in marketing new products to get the brand name in front of consumers and the inventory positioned adequately to meet new and growing sales demand. They will understand the supply chain network within the kitchen bakeware space and work with supply chain partners to get the right inventory levels at the right place.



U.S. Design Patent (Issued); International Patent Pending


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