Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Restaurants
  • Price:                                         $279,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $426,764
  • SDE:                               $109,942
  • Seller Financing:           $27,900
  • Location:                       Stillwater, MN
  • Employees:                   6
  • FF&E:                             $60,000
  • Support & Training:      2 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:       Retirement
  • Non Compete:               50 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:               35


Business Description

This iconic cafe nestled in the heart of Stillwater has been a staple for 35 years, enchanting locals and tourists alike with its charm, character and of course amazing food and exceptional service. Beyond its prime location, its rich history and down-home atmosphere are what attracts a loyal clientele.                

As the proud new owner of this well-established cafe, you’ll inherit a thriving business serving scratch-made meals. Whether you’re an experienced restauranteur, looking to expand your portfolio or an aspiring entrepreneur eager to make your mark, this is a chance to step into a turnkey operation with endless potential for growth and expansion.



  • 1500 sq ft kitchen and dining space with 82 seats
  • Owner has recently invested in new carpet, chairs and table tops


Operating Hours

8am until 2pm (Monday through Sunday)


Number of Employees

  • 4 Full Time
  • 2 Part Time
  • 6 Total


Owner Weekly Hours

42 Hours a Week

Revenue Trends

Post pandemic revenue growing year over year.


Customer Reviews

4.6 Star Avg on over 500 Google Reviews


Franchise Information

Not a franchise

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