Listing Details:

  • Business Category:  Equipment S & S
  • Price:                                  $1,300,000 Plus 15% of Gross Profit for 10 Years
  • Gross Revenue:          $3,461,109 
  • Seller Financing:      $1,000,000 
  • Location:                   Midwest USA                         
  • Non Compete:          500 Miles for 5 Years            


Business Description

Full service dealer, seller-buyer sales and consultant-representatives. Recession resistant, very little capital requirement.


On average $15 to $20 million online retail pieces of consigned equipment. Average $250,000 to $500,000 in new weekly acquired inventory. 


Very good year after year growth trends, on average 15-20% 


Niche Market


Multiple onsite live auctions yearly, each sale is typically between $1.5 to $2 million per sale.


Other opportunities for growth that are currently untapped that can add six figure returns, with low effort.


Worldwide sales market, currently growing rapidly into multiple states as well.


Seller financing available



Seven years established, with a large percentage of repeat year after year customers



Growth Potential

Double (100%) growth expected in approx 4-6 years, based on last seven years trends.




Approx 35 hours a week remote and in person meetings


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