Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Cleaning
  • Price:                                       $1,490,000
  • SDE:                               $309,078
  • Seller Financing:           $149,000
  • Location:                       Minneapolis, MN
  • Support & Training:      8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:       Change in career path
  • Non Compete:               50 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:               7


Business Description

Transworld Business Advisors NorthStar is excited to bring to market this highly regarded Commercial Cleaning business serving the greater Minneapolis/St Paul area.  They take great pride in their ability to tailor each client’s service to the unique needs of the space.  The vision to build and maintain lasting relationships with their clients has resulted in contracts currently in place to provide cleaning services at approximately 70 facilities in addition to providing specialty services ranging from window and carpet cleaning to floor refinishing. 



Currently operating out of a 300 SF centrally located office for $900.00-month, lease is year to year with a 3-month cancellation requirement.


Services Offered

  • Janitorial Services
  • Professional Carpet Cleaning Services
  • Floor Refinishing Services
  • Window Cleaning Services


Relocatable or Home Based

Easily Relocatable

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