Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Medical Related Business
  • Price:                                  $595,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $339,254
  • SDE:                                  $133,680
  • Location:                          Southern Minnesota
  • Employees:                     1 full time RN, 1 part time office manager, 4                                                    full time caregivers (ULP's and CNA's), 11 part                                                time caregivers (ULP's and CNA's)
  • Support & Training:    4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Career Change
  • Non Compete:                500 miles for 3 years
  • Years Owned:                 4 years


Business Description

Invest in a business that supports the growing demand for health and medical services to take place in the client’s residence. The buyer will be acquiring a business that can immediately earn revenue operating with the current staff and services offered.  The staff is made up of Licensed Nurses, ULP’s and CNA’s providing services that include:

  • Medication Management
  • Hands on Assistance with Mobility and Transfers
  • Tube Feedings
  • Home Safety Assessments
  • Wound Care
  • IV Therapy
  • Fall Assistance, Wellness Checks, and Respite Care
  • Bathing, Dressing, Hair Care, and Grooming
  • Meal Preparation, Companion Services
  • Shopping Assistance, Transportation to Appointments
  • Light Housekeeping

Growth Potential

  • Expanding services and staff to support speech, occupational, and physical therapy
  • Adding Medicare and Medicaid insurance coverage
  • Adding 245D license


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