Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Restaurants                                       
  • Price:                                 $956,000
  • Gross Revenue:            $797,121
  • SDE:                                 $104,916
  • Seller Financing:         $10% of the list price, 10 year at 11%
  • Location:                          Milwaukee, WI area
  • Employees:                      4 full time, 7 part time
  • Support & Training:   2 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement
  • Non Compete:               500 miles for 5 years


Business Description

Acquire a respected family favorite restaurant in a highly desirable location with real estate that includes ample parking and liquor license! Anticipate immediate income with loyal consistent customers and well-trained employees. A strategic business owner can steer this business to support their personal vision.


Growth Opportunities

  • Expand hours to include dinner service
  • Maximize the liquor license and beverage choices
  • Add catering services for parties and events
  • Participate in social media to generate sales and expand Visibility

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