Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Construction
  • Price:                                     $490,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $122,155
  • SDE:                             $124,998
  • Seller Financing:         $49,000
  • Location:                      Iowa
  • FF&E:                           $310,700
  • Support & Training:    8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Other Interests
  • Non Compete:             100 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:                   1


Business Description

Join a leading franchise in Iowa specializing in energy-efficient home services for both residential and commercial properties. This opportunity allows you to provide solutions that enhance comfort and significantly reduce energy costs. With a strong brand reputation, comprehensive training, and ongoing support, you'll be well-equipped to succeed in a high-demand market.

Growth Potential

  • Leveraging Franchise Support: Utilize comprehensive training, marketing, and operational support to establish a strong local presence quickly.
  • Differentiation through Quality and Service: Emphasize high-quality installation, exceptional customer service, and tailored solutions to differentiate from larger, less personalized competitors.
  • Local Marketing Initiatives: Engage in community-focused marketing efforts to build brand recognition and trust within the local market.
  • Competitive Pricing Strategies: Offer competitive pricing while maintaining high standards of service and quality.

By understanding and strategically positioning against both local and national competitors, the new owner can carve out a significant market share in Iowa.

Operating Hours

9 am to 8pm M-F

Number of Employees

  • 1 Full Time GM/Sales Manager
  • 2 Full Time Spray Techs
  • 3 Total (Full Time)

Owner Weekly Hours

Less than 10 hours per week

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