Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Retail
  • Price:                                     $80,000
  • Gross Revenue:                  $177,613 - 3yr Avg
  • FF&E:                                          $80,000
  • Location:                     West Des Moines, IA 50266
  • Reason for Selling:     Retirement
  • Support & Training:     2 weeks
  • Non Compete:             50 miles for 2 years
  • Years Owned:                   8 years

Business Description

Own a thriving Asian decor store with over 8 years of success. This well-established business offers a unique selection of handcrafted decor items, from elegant ceramics to intricate textiles, all reflecting Asia's rich cultural heritage. The store's strong reputation, loyal customer base, and prime location provide a solid foundation for continued growth."

"Benefit from exclusive supplier relationships and a proven business model, with ample opportunity to expand offerings or introduce online sales. This is a prime investment opportunity to lead a respected business with significant growth potential.

Growth Potential

Currently, the business has no online presence or e-commerce platform, presenting a significant opportunity for expansion. By developing an online store, you can tap into a vast new customer base and increase revenue streams. Additionally, expanding product lines and exploring new decor trends can attract more customers. There are also opportunities to collaborate with interior designers and host in-store events to boost local engagement. This investment provides a prime platform to capitalize on an existing successful model and drive future growth through digital expansion and market diversification.



  • Over 2,300 Sq ft


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