Listing Details:

  • Business Category:        Internet Related         
  • Price:                                    $1,260,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $900,164
  • SDE:                                    $207,750
  • Seller Financing:            $126,000 at 7%
  • Location:                            Mpls MN
  • Employees:                       5
  • FF&E:                                 $8,146
  • Support & Training:      8 weeks 
  • Reason for Selling:        Retirement
  • Non Compete:                 1500 Miles for 3 Years
  • Years Owned:                  34, Started 1990


Business Description

This is a leading IT management service provider specializing in Wireline & Mobile Spend Management . The client base is in diverse industries and major national companies.

Key Services:

  • IT Managed Services
  • Telecommunications Expense Management
  • Telecommunications Agency

Revenue Model:

  • Over 80% of the revenue is generated through recurring monthly fees from long-term client contracts (3-year average).

Target Industries:

  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Energy
  • Dental Care

Acquisition Opportunities: This is a great opportunity for an executive or company in, IT Managed Services, Telecommunications Expense Management or Telecommunications Agency to grow or expand their current operation.

Our strong track record, recurring revenue model, and deep industry expertise make us an attractive acquisition target for companies seeking to expand their IT management service offerings and capitalize on the growing demand for efficient and cost-effective telecommunications solutions.


Number of Employees

  • 1 Manager
  • 4 Full Time


Owner Weekly Hours

Owner works 40 hours per week

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