Listing Details:

  • Business Category:         Landscaping / Lawn Services
  • Price:                                       $2,490,000
  • Gross Revenue:                 $2,204,464
  • SDE:                                         $527,296
  • Seller Financing:              $498,000
  • FF&E FMV:                           $1.9M
  • Employees:                          28 Full time, 20 Part Time
  • Location:                               Red River Valley
  • Support & Training:        4 weeks - Open to long term
  • Non-Compete:                      50 miles for 5 years
  • Reason For Sale:               Pursue Other Business Interests
  • Years Owned:                    20


Business Description

Full-service ground maintenance company providing 4 season services including landscaping, lawn maintenance, tree/shrub trimming & fertilization, outside pest control, snow removal to commercial and residential customers.


Business History

In business since 1980


Sales & Marketing Plan

  • Largest outside maintenance provider in the area
  • Provide quality services and pre-bill all customers in April with a 5% discount on annual services. Customer list grows every year.

 This business fits for a remote owner since a key manager is open to managing the day-to-day operation.


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