Listing Details:

  • Business Category:        Sales & Marketing      
  • Price:                                    $1,180,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $1,347,428
  • SDE:                                    $402,158
  • Seller Financing:            $118,000
  • Location:                             MN
  • Employees:                       4
  • FF&E:                                 $749,692
  • Support & Training:      4 weeks 
  • Reason for Selling:        Retirement
  • Non Compete:                 500 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:                  24


Business Description

This marketing business specializes in customer retention for automotive dealerships. The company's comprehensive services include live calls, texting, direct mail, and email campaigns. This business has a long-term, diverse client base. They demonstrate their effectiveness through data that shows new customer acquisition, client retention, and improved customer service scores for manufacturers.

This business is a great opportunity for a strategic purchase by marketing firms/marketing executives looking to expand into MN or into the Automotive industry.

Key Highlights

  • Unique Program: Their system seamlessly interfaces with client CRM systems, enhancing service delivery.
  • Scalable Model: Potential for expansion beyond Minnesota into new markets.
  • Competitive Pricing: Ability to outperform competitors on price while maintaining margins and high customer service standards.


Owner Transition

The current owner is committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will assist the new owner in retaining existing clients.


Growth Potential

The business is well-positioned for growth, with opportunities to expand services to other markets and enhance existing offerings.


Services Offered

  • Sales Marketing
  • Customer Loyalty Program
  • Live Calling
  • Service Reminders
  • Blast Email Campaigns

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