Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Pool & Spa Business
  • Price:                                      $3,500,000 
  • Real Estate Price:        $4,580,000
  • Gross Revenue:              $9,310,817
  • SDE:                              $1,012,573
  • Seller Financing:          10%
  • Location:                       Minnesota
  • Employees:                   27
  • Inventory:                     $900,000
  • FF&E:                            $320,116           
  • Support & Training:     4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement   
  • Non Compete:              500 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:               19


Business Description

This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established, award-winning business with multiple locations across Minnesota. With decades of experience and outstanding brand recognition, this company is a leader in the swimming pool, swim spa, and hot tub industry. Its long-standing reputation for quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction, bolstered by numerous industry awards, makes it a prime investment for buyers seeking a thriving and trusted business.

*Industry Leadership: Recognized leader in the In-ground swimming pools, swim spas, and hot tub industry.

*Quality Products: Extensive research to offer only the finest-quality products at affordable prices.

*Trusted Partnerships: Strong relationships with multiple manufacturers.

*Premier Pool and Spa Service: Delivers extensive support for pools, spas, and hot tubs with a large service fleet, certified technicians, and advanced water testing labs for top-tier service quality.

*Customer Satisfaction: Dedicated to ensuring a fun-filled, worry-free experience for all customers.

Don't miss this chance to own a thriving, award-winning business with a stellar reputation, extensive industry experience, and multiple prime locations across Minnesota—perfect for any buyer looking to invest in a trusted leader in the swimming pool, swim spa, and hot tub industry.

Real Estate is available for purchase at the price stated above.





Operating Hours

Standard retail operating hours


Number of Employees

5 Managers

16 Full Time

6 Part Time

27 Total


Owner Weekly Hours

Two owners, both standard 40-50hrs per week.

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