Listing Details:

  • Business Category:       Sports Related Biz
  • Price:                               $3,000,000
  • Gross Revenue:             Start up $300,000
  • Seller Financing:            $2,800,000, Note & License Agreement
  • Location:                        Minnesota  
  • Support & Training:      12 weeks
  • Non Compete:               1000 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:                 3, started in 2020

Business Description

High-Margin Golf Training Aid with Established Online Presence

Attention Sporting Goods & Golf Distributors:

The Zwingnetic+, a patented swing trainer designed to boost accuracy and power.

Key Features:

  • Proven Results: Promotes a straight lead arm for consistent clubface squaring, eliminating common swing errors and increasing distance.
  • Universal Appeal: Versatile and ambidextrous, providing instant feedback for golfers of all skill levels.
  • Strong Margins: Excellent opportunity for distributors with established online presence.
  • Manufacturing Secured: Production set up in Vietnam for efficient fulfillment.

Seller Financing Options:

  • Seller Note: We offer flexible terms for qualified entrepreneurs.
  • Licensing Agreement: Discuss licensing opportunities to expand your product line.

Elevate Your Golf Product Portfolio:

The Zwingnetic+ is a revolutionary training aid poised to make a significant impact in the golf market. Unlock the potential for increased sales and satisfied golfers.

Contact Us Today!

This revised description emphasizes the business aspects of the Zwingnetic+ while retaining the core product information. It highlights the:

  • Patented technology
  • High margins
  • Established online presence
  • Manufacturing setup
  • Flexible seller financing options

This concise and compelling message is likely to attract distributors in the sporting goods and golf industries.


Business History

Business started in 2020 in owner's garage

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