This business has had several renditions since the initial concept. The trailer design has been refined to allow for fast and easy set ups. The cars have been modified to create durable and cost-effective repairs. Even the charging system has been modified to make it easy to charge on the way to the next party.
The business had its first parties in 2019. Unfortunately, COVID did not allow it to continue in 2020. The owner had another business that was still able to run and has since been doing exceptionally well. The Party business has taken a back seat since then.
This business has a great price point to continue to get appointments for young and old. The RC cars bring excitement to age groups 10 – 14, and 25 – 45. It is easy to have at birthday parties, and after work morality boosters.
More advertising will go a long way. The new owner can determine if targeting celebrations for younger people, or more corporate settings are what they want. Of course, both options can help to grow the business all around. This business has plans for newer style trailers. These trailers allow for heat and AC in the trailer, allowing year-round use in any climate. The option to franchise is also there.
This only needs to have a place to park the trailer.
Hours are set by the owner.
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