Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Construction
  • Price:                                      $450,000
  • Gross Revenue:              $357,474 (3Yr Avg.)
  • SDE:                              $162,403
  • Seller Financing:          $45,000
  • Location:                       Central Iowa
  • Employees:                    
  • Support & Training:     8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement
  • Non Compete:              50 miles for 2 years
  • Years Owned:                    19


Business Description

This profitable closet installation business excels in the multifamily new construction space with 20 years of experience. Known for their expertise, reliability, and competitive pricing - they have relationships with multifamily development companies, builders, and contractors throughout the Midwest. The business is run very efficiently with two partners and another employee handling sales and install.   

  • Track record of quality work 
  • High Profit Margins 
  • Strong reputation 
  • Opportunity for growth via advertising spend and expand service and product offerings


Growth Potential

  • Maintain current relationships and expand to other builders and contractors  
  • Expand into residential - new builds and renovations  
  • Expanding service and product offerings 
  • Increase marketing and ad spend, which is currently $0/year 



Space is rented. Can be relocated or brought into existing operation.  


Number of Employees

  • 1 Full Time Sales & Install person 


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