Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Construction - Heating & A/C
  • Price:                                          $230,228
  • Gross Revenue:              $599,883
  • SDE:                              $108,237
  • Seller Financing:          $23,022
  • Location:                       Central MN
  • Employees:                    2                 
  • Support & Training:      4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement

Business Description

This longtime HVAC company owner is ready to retire and pass on his business to the right buyer.

  • Turnkey Opportunity: Owning an HVAC company has never been easier. Step into a thriving business with hundreds of loyal customers, a proven track record, and all the tools you need to succeed.
  • 30 Years of Success: This well-established St. Cloud area company boasts a rock-solid reputation built over three decades.
  • Residential Expertise: The business primarily focuses on the lucrative residential market, ensuring consistent demand.
  • Seamless Transition: The current owner is happy to facilitate a smooth transition, including established supplier relationships, a dedicated apprentice, and a transferable phone number.
  • Low Marketing Costs: This highly profitable business thrives on repeat customers and word-of-mouth, minimizing advertising expenses.
  • Perfect for Expansion or Independence: Ideal for an existing HVAC company seeking to grow its territory or an ambitious entrepreneur ready to take over this successful business.
  • Minimal Risk, High Reward: Why start from scratch when you can take over a proven business with established income and bank financing options?

Don't miss out! Contact us today to learn more about this exceptional opportunity.


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