Listing Details:

  • Business Category:        Insurance            
  • Price:                                    $2,590,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $1,004,700
  • SDE:                                    $661,115
  • Seller Financing:           $259,000, 7% for 60 months
  • Location:                            Minnesota
  • Employees:                        7 Licensed Staff
  • FF&E:                                 $20,072
  • Support & Training:     8 weeks 
  • Reason for Selling:        Semi Retirement
  • Non Compete:                 50 miles for 5 years

Business Description

This well-established insurance agency has a long history of providing exceptional personal service to the local community. The agency's commitment to client satisfaction is evident in its impressive client retention and claims history. A dedicated team of licensed professionals and sales producers supports the agency's operations.

To ensure a seamless transition, the current owner will actively participate in client transfers and relationship building with the new owner.

The agency's strong reputation and experienced staff provide a solid foundation for continued growth and success.


Operating Hours

Mon - Fri, 8 to 5


Owner Weekly Hours


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