Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Animals/Pets
  • Price:                                       $962,000
  • Gross Revenue:              $2,661,512
  • EBITDA                          $296,475
  • FF&E:                            $0
  • Location:                       Relocatable
  • Employees:                   2 Part Time        
  • Support & Training:      4 Weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Other Business Ventures
  • Non Compete:               500 Miles for 3 years
  • Years Owned:               10+

Business Description

Don’t miss a great opportunity to buy and relocate this successful private label pet treat/food supplier. With multiple diversified product lines, this company has very strong relationships with large retailers. The company has seen year over year growth and the company is ready for its next leader to take it to the next level.


Growth Potential

Growth potential is limitless. Seller has a proven track record of adding product lines with great success and a buyer can find the same success.



This business will need to be relocated.


Owner Weekly Hours

5-10 Hours


Products Offered

Pet Treats and Pet Food

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