Listing Details:

  • Business Category:   Electrical Contractor
  • Price:                                     $649,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $623,812
  • SDE:                             $214,339
  • Seller Financing:         $64,900
  • Location:                      Minneapolis Suburbs 
  •  FF&E:                           $116,000
  •  Inventory:                    $15,000
  • Employees:                  3                 
  • Support & Training:     4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Pursue Other Interests
  • Non Compete:             100 miles for 3 years
  • Years Owned:                       15


Business Description

Electrical Contractor in the Minneapolis suburbs with a proven track record of impressive revenue growth over the years. At present, they are at peak capacity, turning down projects—representing a significant growth prospect for a new owner through staff expansion. Business is anchored in catering to a dynamic array of projects, with a significant focus on the growing residential market from Minneapolis throughout the rapidly expanding northwest suburbs. Additionally, commercial projects referred from property management companies further amplify revenue streams. With a Master Electrician on staff, this business offers a valuable asset to prospective owners who may not hold this licensure. Take this opportunity to invest in a non-union company, where unexplored marketing avenues and existing builder and property management relationships present promising trajectories for future success and expansion.

Business History

Single owner who started the company in 2008.

Growth Potential

Great growth potential with year over year revenue increases without marketing or website. Business appears to be there for the taking.

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday from 7:00am – 4:30pm

Number Employees

  • Full Time: 2
  • Part Time: 1
  • Total 3

Owner Weekly Hours

  • 40

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