Listing Details:

  • Business Category:        Agriculture               
  • Price:                                    $597,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $667,003
  • SDE:                                    $133,679
  • Seller Financing:           $59,700
  • Location:                            SW MN
  • Employees:                        2
  • FF&E:                                 $192,489
  • Support & Training:     8 weeks 
  • Reason for Selling:       Change of Industry
  • Non Compete:                50 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:                 13 years, purchased July of 2011

Business Description

Meat processing business and facility with steady diversified client base and well maintained facilities. USDA and SBA financing available to make this opportunity very affordable.


Business History

Current owner purchased business and property in 2011. The facility has been upgraded and maintained with new equipment by Ownership.


Growth Potential

New owners can grow the business by processing whole carcass dear in the fall. Adding additional marketing will also grow business. Current owners advertise on Facebook and word of mouth.


Number of Employees

  • 1 Full Time
  • 1 Part Time
  • 2 Total


Services Offered

Our Services:
  • Custom Processing: Pork, Beef, or venison and we'll expertly process it to your exact specifications. Whether you want steaks, roasts, sausage, or ground meat, we can handle it all.
  • Smoked Meats: We offer a variety of mouthwatering options made from high-quality meats and traditional smoking techniques.


Owner Roles & Hours

Owner works 40 hours per week, promoting business and performing operations

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