Listing Details:

  • Business Category:         Restaurants  / Concession Stand
  • Price:                                       $749,000
  • Gross Revenue:                 $737,700
  • SDE:                                         $220,910
  • Seller Financing:              Flexible
  • FF&E:                                       $71,824
  • Employees:                          1 FT/25 PT
  • Location:                               Northern Minnesota
  • Support & Training:        4 weeks
  • Non-Compete:                      500 Miles for 5 Years
  • Reason For Sale:               Retirement
  • Years Owned:                     29


Business Description

Seasonal food truck business delivering great food to loyal customers and consistent profits to owners. Thriving business drives full year profits in five and a half months! Owners spend winter in Florida. 


Business History

Family owned for 40 years

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