Listing Details:

  • Business Category:      Manufacturing
  • Price:                                       $349,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $1,311,256
  • SDE:                                  $103,426
  • Seller Financing:           $34,900
  • Location:                        Minnesota
  • Employees:                    6
  • FF&E:                             $50,000 Owner Estimate
  • Support & Training:       8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:       Retirement
  • Non Compete:               50 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:               70


Business Description

Transworld Business Advisors NorthStar is very excited to bring to market an industry leading manufacturer of visual display products and expandable office solutions. The company was built upon a foundation of providing high quality work, attention to detail, and exceeding expectations. It is these principles that have allowed this MN based manufacturer of marker boards, tack boards, display cases, display rails and demountable wall systems to withstand the test of time.


Operating Hours

Currently operating 8am-4:30pm M-F


Number of Employees

  • 2 Managers
  • 5 Full Time
  • 1 Part Time
  • 8 Total


Owner Weekly Hours

40 hours


Services Offered

Custom design solutions, modify an existing item by size, finish or even add additional features.


Products Offered

  • Chalkboards
  • Markerboards
  • Cork Tackboards
  • Map and Display Rails
  • Display and Trophy Cases
  • Demountable Wall and Partition Systems


Type of Ownership


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