Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Construction 
  • Price:                                       $395,000
  • Gross Revenue:              $795,187
  • SDE:                              $130,735
  • FF&E:                            $136,488
  • Location:                       Western Wisconsin 
  • Employees:                   2        
  • Support & Training:      4 Weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement
  • Non Compete:              100 Miles for 5 years

Business Description

Are you looking to enter the lucrative HVAC industry or expand your existing business? Look no further than this opportunity to acquire a well-established HVAC company with a proven track record of success.

  • Established brand and reputation in the local market.
  • Strong recurring revenue from loyal clientele.
  • Lucrative opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • Equipped fleet of vehicles and tools.
  • Experienced and dedicated team of technicians.


Number of Employees

  • 2 Full Time

Owner Weekly Hours

  • 40 Hours


Sales & Marketing Plan

  • Personal relationships. There is no advertising plan

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