Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Restaurant
  • Price:                                     $99,999
  • Location:                      West Des Moines, IA 
  • Reason for Selling:     Other Interests
  • Non Compete:             50 miles for 2 years
  • Years Owned:                   1


Seller Note: 

Deal Closed in less than 4 months.


Business Description

 A seamless culinary venture with a turnkey restaurant opportunity in West Des Moines. This fully equipped establishment boasted everything you need to hit the ground running, from quality kitchen appliances to charming dining spaces. This was a door to success with this ready-to-roll restaurant space.


  • Turnkey operation with equipment in place
  • Great location
  • Low entry point to Business Ownership


Great location at the intersection of 60th and Ashworth Rd. in West Des Moines. High traffic with great visibility and ample parking!

1,280 sq/ft of space.

  • Full kitchen
  • Bar
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 50-person capacity

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