Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Mail Centers
  • Price:                                     $295,000
  • Location:                      Minnesota                                        
  • Support & Training:     8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Change of Industry   
  • Non Compete:             50 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:              10


Business Description:

Transworld Business Advisors represented a well-established shipping, graphics, and business services center located within an hour of the Twin Cities. Customers could bring almost any item and have it packaged and shipped to nearly anywhere in the world.

Due to existing contracts with multiple package delivery & logistics companies, this business had established a regional presence, servicing a customer radius greater than 50 miles.

This company also had a specialized graphics and printing division, producing everything from business cards to large-scale posters and signs. It quickly became the area’s one-stop location for business services.


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