Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Agricultural / Feed/Farm Supplies   
  • Price:                                       $2,210,000
  • Location:                       Western Wisconsin 
  • Employees:                   5        
  • Support & Training:     12 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement
  • Non Compete:              150 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:                       40+ years


Seller Note

50 year old family feed mill in western Wisconsin. Previously listed with a different broker for 7 years without success. Transworld closed in 6 months!


Business Description

This highly efficient feed company offered nutrition consultation, commodities blended to customer’s specifications, NIR forage analysis in the company owned NIR laboratory, commodity contracting and soybean roasting, just to name a few. Located in Western Wisconsin, this operation had an extremely consistent track record and room to grow should the buyer desire.

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