Listing Details:

  • Business Category:   Food Business Retail
  • Price:                                    $450,000
  • Location:                     Twin Cities
  • Employees:                 16                     
  • Support & Training:    4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Retirement
  • Non Compete:            100 miles for 10 years


Business Description

Started in 2002 in an affluent Northern Suburb of the Twin Cities this Meat Market is the go to location for the best quality products in the business! They provide not only meats to their customers but also everything they may need to do their own sausage production, wild game processing, fresh vegetables, prepared meals and their own inhouse bakery for buns and bread. They also carry everything you might need for your grilling needs such as 49 different BBQ sauces and 10 different types of charcoal and pellets.

The owner was active in the business but did take 2-3 month vacations and frequent time off. Because of this the store was maybe a little over staffed.

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