Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Automotive
  • Price:                                      $579,481
  • Location:                       Central Iowa
  • Employees:                   8 
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement
  • Non Compete:              50 miles for 2 years
  • Years Owned:                    19

Business Description

 A thriving wheel repair business in the heartland. Renowned for its commitment to excellence, cutting-edge techniques, and loyal customer base, this established enterprise promised lucrative returns and limitless growth potential. With a skilled team and state-of-the-art equipment already in place, the chance was seized to step into a lucrative niche market and make the mark in the automotive industry. 

Seller Story

Key employee acquired this business. Closed in 3 months, at $75,000 more than asking price. 


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